A writing Prize run by writers for writers. The Only worldwide Prize Offering Feedback to EVERY Entry.

Cheshire Novel Prize invite submissions worldwide from un-agented authors of adult fiction, memoir and fictional memoir.


Our judges announcement for our adult 2025 prize will be on our social media at 2pm on 10th March 2025 so watch this space. As ever, we are so lucky to secure amazing agents and publishers and writers for our prize without whom we could not run the competition.

If you have entered previously and received feedback, you may re-enter the same novel.

Important Dates

Competition Opens - 1st March 2025 (Midnight 1st March 2025 UK time).

Competition Closes - 1st June 2025 (Midnight on 1st June 2025 UK time)

Longlist Announced - 1st July2025 at 2PM (UK time).

Shortlist Announced - 30th August 2025 at 2PM (UK time).

Winner announcement - 3rd October 2025

End date for Feedback - 30th December 2025

Feedback for our prize is given to all entrants. Please note this is a mixture of only a few paragraphs of specific feedback as well as significant generic feedback which is included in our entry fee. This is not a manuscript assessment. The feedback is designed to give you a few pointers as to why your novel was not listed.

We cannot enter into any correspondence about our feedback. We use feedback templates and so the first few paragraphs are standard to every entrant as well as the generic feedback given.

You may find it useful to sign up to our newsletters for regular prize updates to keep updated.


How does it work?

The Cheshire Novel Prize is open to un-agented authors over the age of 18 at the time of entry.

Entering any novel prize or competition can be daunting. Putting your work out there is never an easy decision. That’s why we believe that EVERY writer should receive a page of feedback as to why they were not long-listed or shortlisted. This feedback is included in the cost of your entry fee of £29. We don’t charge you extra to find out why you were not successful.

Having that feedback can really help writers to realise that not only is reading subjective, but sometimes the reasons for not being long-listed have nothing to do with the quality of the work or the ability of the writer.

We accept all genres including memoir, fictional memoir. We do not accept children’s novels but we accept YA for both the children’s prize and the adult prize.

Please do check out our Cheshire Novel Prize Kids prize if you are writing for children: www.cheshirenovelprizekids.com

If you would like to sponsor a writer to enter, please, get in touch. We are so grateful to all of our sponsors.

We pride ourselves on being one of the most transparent prizes out there and we strive to ensure our prize is writer centric.

If you are wondering what your entry fee goes toward, this is how we invest it:

  1. Paying for prize money, trophies and judge’s fees.

  2. Paying for editors to help collate feedback and for editorial time spent writing feedback.

  3. Each year our founder Sara Naidine Cox—along with our generous sponsors— ensures that there are unlimited sponsored places for under-represented writers as long as they meet our criteria. Sara believes all under-represented writers worldwide should have the ability to showcase their work.

  4. Sponsored places for under-represented writers for summer school.

  5. Platform fees for our card provider and tax.

  6. Cheshire Novel Prize admin team.

  7. On-going technical support.

  8. Advertising.

The latest “Writing Tips


 Huge thanks go to all these amazing writers and agents who have paid for underrepresented writers to apply to The Cheshire Novel Prize:


If you would like to sponsor a writer to enter please , get in touch