Entry Rules


Our Entry Rules 2025

Please read our rules of entry before entering the competition. As all entries must be anonymous, please remember to check your name does not appear anywhere on your manuscript or synopsis, including title pages, headers and footers.

  • Our 2025 novel competition will be open to entries from midnight on 1st March 2025. We close to entries at midnight GMT on 1st July 2025. If you are entering from overseas, please note the competition opening and closing times are based on GMT (UK) time.

  • The competition is open to writers over the age of eighteen, of any nationality and resident in any country. However, all entries must be written in English. Please note we only accept word documents and not PDF’s.

  • The Cheshire Novel Prize is open to unpublished or self-published, un-angented novelists of every genre including fictional memoir and memoir. Unfortunately we do not accept Children’s novels but we do accept YA for both the children’s prize and the adult prize. However if you are writing in any other genre for children other than YA, do check out our Cheshire Novel Prize Kids Prize on the home page tab on this website.

  • Self-published writers may enter as long as they are un-agented at the time of entry.

  • Sponsored places for underrepresented writers applies to all nationalities worldwide. Our sponsored place portal to apply for sponsored entries opens on 1st March 2025 and closes at 9am on 1st June 2025 to allow our team time to process any last minute entries. Unfortunately anyone applying for a sponsored place after this time, will not be approved and no correspondence can be entered into. Please do not apply for a sponsored place unless you are ready to enter your novel in the competition. One sponsored place only is permitted per person.

  • Entrants keep full copyright of their work. However, by entering the competition, the writer gives Cheshire Novel Prize permission to post a small first chapter extract of all shortlisted entries on our website, plus the novel titles and names and novel titles of our long-listed entrants. Having this published on our website does not affect your chances in the future of persuing or securing a publishing deal or an agent.

  • Novels and memoirs must be the entrant’s original work and at least 60,000 words on its completion.

  • Entrants must not be employed by Cheshire Novel Prize. Entrants who are employed by our judges or their organisations may not apply.

  • Entries may not be altered after submission.

  • The entry fee is £29.00 per novel. If you pay for an entry and do not submit your work on time, we cannot refund you. You may withdraw your entry at any time, but we cannot refund you the entry fee.

  • Please format your work in a word document and not a PDF or Pages. Please submit the first 5,000 words of your novel followed by a 500 word synopsis on the SAME document so that the synopsis is pasted directly underneath your 5,000 words and headed ‘Synopsis.’ Please include plot spoilers in your synopsis. Your synopsis will not be published or discussed at any time. Please format your document including your synopsis to 12 pt. font and 1.5 line spacing. Please save your document as the name of your novel and not your name. For example: The Game of Thrones. Your name should not appear on the document that you upload, we identify you via your unique ID number which is generated when you enter. All entries must be anonymous.

  • You may go over or under the 5,000 words submission by up to 500 words either side in order for you to finish the novel submission in the best possible place. You may also go over or under the synopsis word count by 50 words. We don’t penalise for less word count or more word count, providing it does not go under or over, the above guidelines.

  • Long-listed novels will be announced at 2pm UK time on 1st July 2025. We ask all long-listed writers to send us an additional 15,000 words including the original 5,000 words to make 20,000 words, plus your 500 word synopsis, by midnight 3rd July 2025.

  • Shortlisted novels will be announced on 30th August 2025. Upon shortlisting, we will invite you to send your synopsis, and full manuscript as separate documents by midnight on 2nd September 2025. Any writers unable to submit the full manuscript will, unfortunately, be disqualified.

  • If you are long-listed or shortlisted, we will send you an email shortly before the Twitter announcement and the announcement on our website and other social media. If your novel’s name is not featured on our social media announcements or listed on our blog as being long-listed or shortlisted, then you have not been long-listed or shortlisted. We cannot enter into any correspondence about long-listing or shortlisting.

  • If you are long-listed or shortlisted for Cheshire Novel Prize, we will announce the winning writers names and novel titles on or after the 3rd October 2025 when our winner and highly commended have been announced. We will post these on our social media platforms and send out a mail-shot. By accepting the long-listing or shortlisting you are giving us permission to publish these. There are no exceptions to this, even if you are shortlisted for another competition whose winner is due to be announced later than the Cheshire Novel Prize announcements. However, long-listing or shortlisting for other competitions is permitted.

  • Please do not release the name of your novel if you are long-listed or shortlisted, on social media. However, once the Cheshire Novel Prize has announced the winning book titles, you may say you have been long-listed, but you may not identify your work. If commenting on long-listing/shortlisting on Twitter, please make sure any novel titles are not on your social media headers.

  • The overall competition winner will be announced at 2pm UK time on 3rd October 2025 and awarded £1500. One highly commended writer will be announced and win £500.

  • We will post the winners names on our website with interviews and excerpts and on our social media.

  • The Cheshire Novel Prize will require the winning writer and shortlisted writers to agree to an interview and instagram live with the Cheshire Novel Prize. We will publish the interviews on our website, Twitter account, Facebook and Instagram.

  • In common with other awards for unpublished and self-published novels, the judging agents may contact long-listed or shortlisted authors before the winner is announced. However, the winner will have been decided internally before this point, and all entries will have been judged anonymously.

  • Any writers offered representation after entry, and/or before the winner is announced, must inform us via email at entry@cheshirenovelprize.com but you need NOT withdraw unless you are offered publication. However, entrants must be un-agented at the time of submission.

  • Our agent showcase is open to all writers who make the top one hundred of entrants, our long-list and our shortlist only. There is no need to resend your novel as we enter the same submission to the showcase as you entered for the competition. Unfortunately we cannot accept any edited versions after submission; your original entry will be posted on our showcase. The agent showcase starts on 5th October 2025 and is open until 30th October 2025. No correspondence can be entered into about our agent showcase. If you are eligible, all we ask is that if you are picked up by an agent, you let us know and give us permission to publish this on our social Media. Details of our agent showcase can be found on our writing tips page.

  • Unfortunately we cannot enter into any correspondence as to why your entry was unsuccessful other than the feedback provided after the competition has closed for entries. Nor can we enter into any correspondence about your feedback or answer specific questions about the feedback, nor provide page numbers or specific paragraph references. Feedback will be sent to all entrants by 30th December 2025. If you haven’t received it by 30th December 2025, please email us. Due to data protection of entrant’s personal details, our dashboard is cleared on 1st January 2026. After that time, your feedback will be lost.

  • Any writers entering a document by mistake can contact us within 12 hours of submission and we can help you to submit the correct documents. If there is a technical fault on our website and you cannot submit before the deadline, please send us timed screenshots and an email and we will help you to submit. Your email must be dated and timed before we close at midnight on 1st July 2025. Please email us at entry@cheshirenovelprize.com

  • The judge’s decision is final and no further correspondence can be entered into.


Sponsored entries for under-represented writers.


We have a number of sponsored places for under-represented writers. Please do not apply for a sponsored place until you are ready to enter the competition to avoid wasting places.

Sponsored places for 2024 will be considered for writers who meet the criteria below:

We describe an under-represented writer as one or more of the following:

  • Writers who come from an ethnic minority background.

  • LGBTQ+ writers.

  • Writers who are disabled or neurodiverse.

  • Working class writers.

  • Writers who are full time carers.

We ask applicants to upload with their request for a free place, a letter telling us about your novel’s concept in a few lines and explaining why you are applying for a sponsored place. We may ask for additional information to back up your application at the point of approval. This is to ensure that places go to the people who meet the above criteria.

If you have any questions that are not answered here or in our FAQ’s, don’t hesitate to contact us at entry@cheshirenovelprize.com email address. Please do not attach any documentation to this email address. Your documentation should be uploaded with your sponsored place application through our website.

Our sponsorship approval process is regulated by GDPR and approved within a separate system. Once approved, you will receive a unique code to add to the point of entry on our submissions page. This code is unique to you, and if attempted to be used by a different applicant, will automatically cancel both applications, including the original applicant. We normally take 3-5 business days to approve but please bear with us; we will be back with a decision as soon as we can.

We will treat each case with care on an individual basis. However, we realise having to apply for a sponsored place can be distressing for some . We want you to know that we are here to help. Alternatively if you are part of a writing group or organisation, your tutor or course leader may apply for a place on your behalf.

Please note: our sponsorship portal will close at 9am on 28th March, to allow us time to process applications before we close at midnight. Anyone applying for a free place after that time can not, unfortunately, be approved.

All financial details will be kept strictly confidential and in line with GDPR regulations are deleted immediately after approval through our secure portal. Apply for a sponsored entry

Want to sponsor a writer to entry?

If you would be interested in sponsoring an entry for an under-represented writer, please contact us!