The next steps for competition entries

So, You’ve Entered the Cheshire Novel Prize?

What Happens when we get your submission?

  1. Your submission is logged and checked for genre, and then it goes into our submission dashboard and is allocated to our readers. Our readers are generally genre specific.

  2. Your novel is read at least twice in round one—and if readers can’t agree—three times. Each reader fills out a feedback form and this is uploaded with their decision. This feedback acts as a guide to help the editor who will collate your feedback to understand why the novel was put through or why it wasn’t. Our editors will read the manuscript extract also to formulate their own feedback.

  3. If your novel goes through to round one, it moves to our ‘yes’ dashboard. If your novel doesn’t pass round one, it moves to our ‘no’ dashboard ready for feedback.

How is the feedback formatted if I am unsuccessful?

Your extract is read by an editor, along with the feedback forms from the readers. The editor will then produce summary feedback looking at things that worked and things that could be developed or explored more. We will also tell you how many times your novel was read and include generic tips to improve your writing. Every writer gets feedback regardless of where they are placed in the competition.

When will I get my feedback?

We will start sending out the feedback as soon as the longlist is announced, but please bear with us. We have a lot of entries and so this could take a while. However, we promise to get it out to you by the 30th November 2024, latest.

How many rounds of reading are there?

There are 6 rounds.

Round 1

Our readers are asked, would you read on, yes, or no? There is no limit to how many we will put through to round two. If your novel deserves to be a yes, it goes through.

Round 2 - 4

All novels will continue to collect yes or no votes and feedback as they go through the different rounds. Round 4 decides our top ten percent and creates our long, long list.

Round 5 & 6

Our judges will read the long, longlisted novels and decide which ones go through to the longlist. Our judges will then decide which writers progress from the longlist t to the shortlist and finally our judges will decide on the winner, and highly commended.

What are the important dates I need to remember?

15th may 2024 Longlist announcement

30th June 2024 Shortlist announcement

15th September 2024 Winner announcement

What happens to my entry after the winner is announced?

We will keep all entries until 30th December 2024, to ensure that we can answer any queries that may arise. There may be writers who forget to add to their address book and did not receive their feedback, as it may be in their junk or spam folder. We want to make sure everyone receives their feedback.

After that, we will delete all entries and clear our dashboard ready for next year’s competition. Please note that you must contact us by 29th December latest, if you haven’t received your feedback. Otherwise, it will have been deleted and cannot be retrieved.

If you have any more questions about the prize, do check out our FAQ section on our website

Scott - Owner - Lithium Design

Self-confessed gadget man who loves all things tech and anything that barks.

Cheshire Novel Prize Agent Showcase


‘Show, Don't Tell'